Word About Us

Eat 🍔 Prey ❤️ Love Linux .

Dear Readers , Welcome to theLinuxTerminal .
TheLinuxTerminal is a blog dedicated for all Linux developers ! Our goal is to try and make things easily understandable by other developers .
Our Agenda :- Learn and Share , Why to Wait when you can reach people and share what you have learnt .

Who are We ?

We are truely Passionate linux lovers .
Only Stuff we are good at it is Linux and Admin 💋

We 👏 Means and My Friend , We have been Working on linux and system admin for last 3 Years . During this Journey We have learnt a lot and We came up with an idea to Start a blog to share Linux tutorials , tips and tricks .

How to Reach Us !!

Shoot us an email to thelinuxt@gmail.com Or Don't hesitate to get in touch via Twitter or Github or LinkedIn . You Can Follow us On Instagram as well.