Beginners Guide to Install Docker in Fedora


Author - Sanjay


Docker is a containerization software solution , used as a Virtual environment to package and deploy applications . You can package your application along with its dependencies in a container which can run on any linux server .

Table of Contents


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Installing Docker On Fedora

Lets get started and install docker on fedora .

1.1 Install Fedora Using Default Package Manager.

Install Using DNF

What is DNF ?

The package manager mostly in use for fedora is DNF package manager . We are going to check how we can install nginx using DNF .

We are going to install plugins package by using the following command

sudo dnf -y install  dnf-plugins-core

Install DNF Core Plugins Docker

Now , once required packages are installed we are going to add a repository nby using the following command

sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo

Now we are redy to install docker ,

sudo dnf -y install docker-ce docker-ce-cli

Press y to continue. That’s it. You have got Docker on your system. You may check if it’s running fine by using this command:

install docker

How to Install Docker using RPM Package Manager.

It is one of the most useful ways to install docker . We can switch multiple versions of docker using this method .

So , first download the rpm package , for our case we are downloading 64bit version .

Test Your Docker Installation

We can test if docker has been installed properly . But before testing you need to do following things .

Enable docker service as it’s not enabled by default .

sudo systemctl enable docker
sudo systemctl start docker

In order to test if docker is installed correctly , check status of docker service by executing following command

sudo systemctl status docker